Strengths/Value Propositions

| Why do our customers hire Company? What problems do we solve for them?

| | --- | | What do our most passionate customers love about Company?

| | What do customers find at Company that they cannot find anywhere else? What makes us deserving of gaining market share from Incumbent Competitor?

| | Who do you see as our main competitors? Where do you think we win/lose against them?



| What are our weaknesses?

| | --- | | If you could change one thing about Company, what would it be?

| | What about Company is hardest for customers to understand?


Customer Perceptions

| How would you describe our high-expectation customer or ideal customer? (HXC or ICP)

| | --- | | What do you think comes to customers’ minds when they think of Company? What do you wish came to their minds?

| | What is the biggest difference between how we think of ourselves and how customers think of us?

| | What do you think people get wrong about us?

| | Do you think people like Company? Why or why not?

| | What is one thing customers dislike about us?


Employee Perceptions

| Why do you think people choose to come work here?

| | --- |

Defining Company

| In one sentence, what do you say when a prospect asks you to describe Company?

| | --- | | What values do you think our brand represents?



| Is there anything else you’d like to share, or anything else we should have asked you?

| | --- |