
The purpose of this internal survey was to assess the strength of our internal alignment and uncover differences in perceptions of the Company brand by surveying key members of the org.

This report summarizes key themes and findings from this survey and is one input to informing how Company's corporate brand strategy should evolve.


Our initial goal was to identify assumptions, gaps, and contradictions that currently prevent stronger alignment on Company's target audience, differentiators, and areas of focus.

The goal of this project overall is ****to align on a clear, concise, and consistent way to describe what Company is and who Company is for, in turn addressing existing positioning problems:

  1. People read our website but don’t understand what we do
  2. People get what we do, but don’t choose us over the competition
  3. We’re going after multiple segments and don’t know who to prioritize
  4. Different stakeholders explain our product in different ways
  5. We have multiple products and struggle to explain the suite in a simple way


The results validate our assumption that leadership and employees perceive or describe the company's target audience, value proposition, and product offerings in different ways. ****

These gaps have contributed to confusion around Company's brand identity, product focus, and messaging, which is likely mirrored in how the company is perceived externally.

Below, we summarize key takeaways, alignment gaps, areas for executive alignment, and recommended next steps.


Here you might include breakout sections to focus on deep dives into key areas of alignment, misalignment, or to compare executive responses to non-executive responses.


Key Areas for Executive Alignment

  1. Target audience clarity
    1. Align on a clear and detailed target audience that everyone in the company understands and can rally around. Reference this target audience frequently (at every All Hands, during OKR and planning cycles, in marketing briefs, etc.).
    2. Clarify the role of different customer segments AND their interplay/relationship (e.g., enterprise vs. SMB, brands vs. creators) within the broader business strategy.
  2. Product identity and integration
    1. Establish a unified understanding of Company's product suite and how different offerings work together.
    2. Clarify the balance between software and services in Company's offering.
  3. Unique value proposition
    1. Define and articulate a compelling UVP that differentiates Company from competitors.
    2. Align on the core problem Company is solving and how it delivers value to customers.